Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Body of Christ

“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,” - Ephesians 5:25

Why would Christ die for the church? What is the church? The church is the Body of Christ, alive and active today. Jesus didn't just take everyone back to heaven when He left, He started something great here on earth. He taught us how to live, and how to act, and how to serve, and how to have a rich and full life. Today I saw the church be the Body of Christ to Renee and the girls and it brings me to tears. In James we are instructed to look after the widows and the orphans. The people of Ebenezer Baptist Church have been absolutely fabulous to this family. I am honored to be in their presence.

With a funeral a lot of people come to the house and are here to support the family. With the focus on the preparations it is difficult to deal with the day to day matters of life. Today an army of men showed up at the house and mowed the lawn, cleaned out the rain gutters, and got the outside looking great. Another family came inside and helped me cleanup the public areas of the house so that they will look good when people begin arriving.

I can see why Christ was willing to give Himself up for the church, because when the church is living and actively serving Him, it is an awesome thing to behold.


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